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Great Ball - 400 Goomies | Makes youngsters gain 0.5 base GpS. |
Comfy Shorts - 800 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Ultra Ball - 2,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Sweet Scent - 5,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Honey Tree - 20,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Ace Trainer - 120,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Team Rocket - 800,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Gym Leader - 4,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Elite Four - 30,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Champion - 324,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Professor Oak - 1,825,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
Snag Machine - 18,400,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters twice as efficient. |
World Champion - 400,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters four times as efficient. |
Legendary Champion - 4,000,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters four times as efficient. |
Master Ball - 1,000,000,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes youngsters ten times as efficient. |
Breeding Program - 1,000 Goomies | Makes reserves gain 0.5 base GpS. |
Pollution Removal - 3,000 Goomies | Makes reserves twice as efficient. |
National Park Status - 15,000 Goomies | Makes reserves twice as efficient. |
Expansion Program - 80,000 Goomies | Makes reserves twice as efficient. |
Reintroduction - 600,000 Goomies | Makes reserves twice as efficient. |
Baby Bonus - 10,000 Goomies | Makes daycares gain 4 base GpS. |
Ditto Camp - 90,000 Goomies | Makes daycares twice as efficient. |
Level Rate Discount - 400,000 Goomies | Makes daycares twice as efficient. |
Four Slots - 1,600,000 Goomies | Makes daycares twice as efficient. |
Three-perfect-IV guarantee - 5,000,000 Goomies | Makes daycares twice as efficient. |
Waterfall Source - 50,000 Goomies | Makes goopy fountains gain 15 base GpS. |
Geyser - 256,000 Goomies | Makes goopy fountains twice as efficient. |
Old Faithful - 1,250,000 Goomies | Makes goopy fountains twice as efficient. |
Fountain of Youth - 24,000,000 Goomies | Makes goopy fountains twice as efficient. |
Volcanic Spring - 400,000,000 Goomies | Makes goopy fountains twice as efficient. |
Steroids - 180,000 Goomies | Makes breeding grounds gain 30 base GpS. |
Growth Hormone - 2,000,000 Goomies | Makes breeding grounds twice as efficient. |
Feedlot - 12,288,000 Goomies | Makes breeding grounds twice as efficient. |
Genetic Modification - 200,000,000 Goomies | Makes breeding grounds twice as efficient. |
Hormonal Therapy - 2,800,000,000 Goomies | Makes breeding grounds twice as efficient. |
Dragon Plate - 1,000,000 Goomies | Makes enslaved Arceus gain 100 base GpS. |
EV Training - 9,600,000 Goomies | Makes enslaved Arceus twice as efficient. |
Thousand Arms - 160,000,000 Goomies | Makes enslaved Arceus twice as efficient. |
Slave Drivers - 1,200,000,000 Goomies | Makes enslaved Arceus twice as efficient. |
Giratina - 33,333,333,333 Goomies | Makes enslaved Arceus twice as efficient. |
Government Grant - 6,666,666 Goomies | Makes cloning labs gain 600 base GpS. |
Asexual Reproduction - 128,000,000 Goomies | Makes cloning labs twice as efficient. |
Genome Sequencer - 900,000,000 Goomies | Makes cloning labs twice as efficient. |
Second Government Grant - 10,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes cloning labs twice as efficient. |
Molecular Synthesizer - 300,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes cloning labs twice as efficient. |
Search Algorithm - 90,000,000 Goomies | Makes repopulated planets gain 3,160 base GpS. |
Gas Giant - 700,000,000 Goomies | Makes repopulated planets twice as efficient. |
Dyson Sphere - 8,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes repopulated planets twice as efficient. |
Dry Farming - 200,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes repopulated planets twice as efficient. |
Terraforming - 2,100,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes repopulated planets twice as efficient. |
32-bit processor - 536,870,912 Goomies | Makes RNG abusers twice as efficient. |
64-bit processor - 4,294,967,296 Goomies | Makes RNG abusers twice as efficient. |
Dual-core processor - 137,438,953,472 Goomies | Makes RNG abusers twice as efficient. |
Quad-core processor - 1,099,511,627,776 Goomies | Makes RNG abusers twice as efficient. |
Server cloud - 17,952,186,044,416 Goomies | Makes RNG abusers twice as efficient. |
Metrication - 58,786,252,372 Goomies | Makes photon colliders produce 299,792 base GpS. |
Nuclear Goosion - 857,142,857,142 Goomies | Makes photon colliders twice as efficient. |
Wormhole - 8,000,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes photon colliders twice as efficient. |
Warp Drive 2 - 32,000,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes photon colliders twice as efficient. |
Reissner-Nordström Anomaly - 135,000,000,000,000 Goomies | Makes photon colliders twice as efficient. |
Quantum Goomies - 316,227,766,016,838 Goomies | Makes photon colliders twice as efficient. |
0 Goomies
0.0 Goomies per second
If your swath of Goomies were laid out end to end, they would stretch the width of a human hair.
Number of Goomies: 0
Total length your Goomies line up to: 0.0 m
If your swath of Goomies were laid out end to end, they would stretch the width of a human hair.
Total space your Goomies fill: 0.000 m³
Your swath of Goomies could a thimble.
Total mass of your Goomies: 0.0 kg
Your swath of Goomies weighs as much as a gulp of air.
 | Cursor - 0 | Produces 0.2 GpS | 10 |
 | Youngster - 0 | Produces 1.0 GpS | 50 |
 | Reserve - 0 | Produces 2.5 GpS | 200 |
 | Daycare - 0 | Produces 10.0 GpS | 1,500 |
 | Goopy Fountain - 0 | Produces 25.0 GpS | 8,000 |
 | Breeding Ground - 0 | Produces 60.0 GpS | 36,000 |
 | Enslaved Arceus - 0 | Produces 200.0 GpS | 150,000 |
 | Cloning Lab - 0 | Produces 1,200.0 GpS | 999,999 |
 | Repopulated Planet - 0 | Produces 5,840.0 GpS | 5,256,000 |
 | RNG Abuser - 0 | Produces 32,768.0 GpS | 33,554,432 |
 | Photon Collider - 0 | Produces 186,262.0 GpS | 246,913,578 |